Your forms have been submitted and forwarded to the Nurse Practitioner for review

Please sign up for our secure patient portal so that we can send you messages about your healthcare.

What happens now?

If you requested an appointment, just go to your appointment and we will discuss everything there. If there are concerns about any of your information we will contact you soon.

If you do not have an appointment for this service, please wait about an hour for (during business hours) for the clinician to review your forms and get back to you with any concerns. Look for an email containing payment instructions and educational resources.

I am having trouble during my abortion. Who can I talk to?

There are different types of needs during your abortion (as with any other type of medical care). Please remember that while medical providers do want to help you, they are often not trained mental health counselors, and the emotional support help lines are not staffed by trained medical providers.

  • For medical questions about abortions or miscarriages, call Metro Area at 301-966-6696 or call/text the M&A Hotline at 1-833-246-2632
  • For emotional questions, concerns, or support over text, please text Exhale Provoice at 617-749-2948
  • For emotional questions, concerns, or support over phone call, please call any of the following:
    • All Options at 888-493-0092
    • Connect and Breathe 866-647-1764
    • Faith Aloud 888-717-5010

This is a good list of resources for mental and physical well being during and after abortion.

If you are a patient at Metro Area Advanced Practice Healthcare, we are also able to follow up with you for medical questions or support.

What is normal bleeding?

Bleeding varies greatly depending on gestational age, individual factors, medications you are taking, and other health conditions you may have. Many people experience more than their usual menstrual period. Some report less than this.

No bleeding is concerning. Bleeding more than two maxi-pads per hour for greater than two hours is also concerning.

What should I do after my abortion?

For your own health and getting back to normal, stay hydrated and eat a diet high in protein and iron sources to promote healing and well being. You should not need any additional vitamins or supplements unless you have been told to take them by a medical professional. After 4-6 weeks, take a pregnancy test to make sure it is back to hormonal baseline of being negative.

We recommend you see a health care provider to review your fertility planning – e.g., are you planning a pregnancy or do you want to avoid pregnancy at this time in your life? Review your contraceptive options. Metro Area Advanced Practice Healthcare is able to provide this kind of appointment to those in the Washington, DC service area, or you can see your usual provider.